Showing 226 - 250 of 302 Results
Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by de Bury, Richard ISBN: 9781017966138 List Price: $15.95
The love of books by de Bury, Richard, Thomas, E... ISBN: 9780649640232 List Price: $11.51
The philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Bury, Richard de, Richard d... ISBN: 9780649670130 List Price: $10.76
Philobiblon : A Treatise on the Love of Books (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9781331831860 List Price: $10.57
The Love of Books: The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Richard de Bury, Richard de... ISBN: 9781547006922 List Price: $7.99
The Love of Books The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by de Bury, Richard, Richard d... ISBN: 9781547162741 List Price: $7.99
Love of Books: the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by E. C. Thomas, E. C. ISBN: 9781979361248 List Price: $16.99
Philobiblon. a Treatise on the Love of Books by Bury, Richard de, Richard D... ISBN: 9781760576905 List Price: $21.54
Lettre Sur Quelques Ouvrages de M. de Voltaire (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9780483130272 List Price: $26.58
Histoire de la Vie de Louis XIII, Roi de France et de Navarre, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard Girard de ISBN: 9780483891548 List Price: $16.57
Essai Historique et Moral Sur l'�ducation Fran�oise (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9780666408969 List Price: $34.97
Philobiblion : Excellent Trait� Sur l'Amour des Livres by De, Bury Richard ISBN: 9781385953075 List Price: $16.95
Philobiblion : Excellent Trait� Sur l'Amour des Livres by de Bury, Richard ISBN: 9780270682960 List Price: $26.95
Philobiblion : Excellent Trait� Sur l'Amour des Livres by de Bury, Richard ISBN: 9780270682953 List Price: $16.95
Love of Books the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury : Large Print by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9781724709790 List Price: $7.99
The Love of Books: The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Thomas, E. C., E. C. Thomas ISBN: 9781720360360 List Price: $7.99
The Love of Books The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Bury, Richard de, Richard d... ISBN: 9781722453831 List Price: $8.99
Histoire de la Vie de Jules Cesar, Vol. 2 : Suivie d'une Dissertation Sur la Liberte, Ou l'o... by Bury, Richard Girard de ISBN: 9780428104474 List Price: $16.57
Ricardi de Bury Philobiblon, Vol. 1 : Textus (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9780428252281 List Price: $26.64
Histoire de la Vie de Jules Cesar, Vol. 2 : Suivie d'une Dissertation Sur la Liberte, Ou l'o... by Bury, Richard Girard de ISBN: 9780428579166 List Price: $32.64
Philobiblion : Excellent Trait' Sur l'Amour des Livres (Classic Reprint) by Bury, Richard de ISBN: 9780332114149 List Price: $31.14
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